Welcome to Windsor State School!

Woohoo, you’re now a Windsor parent - welcome to you! If you haven’t guessed already, Windsor is a special kind of school. What does that mean for you as a new parent? Put simply, everyone around here is very dedicated to giving our children the best possible education we can in the state school environment. We all work together as a school community to sustain three important elements that we believe are the recipe for educational excellence here at Windsor.
Teaching quality. Our kids are super lucky to have the benefit of the most amazing staff and teachers. You will find our teachers some of the most dedicated and skilled teachers available. They really care about their jobs and the little people they teach. We do all we can to support our teachers.

Strong advocacy. Windsor maintains a robust P&C who volunteers and advocates for our children. This is also coupled with the support and direction of our School Council as an Independent Public School, and our school administration.

Caring environment. You will find that Windsor is a school environment which highly values social and emotional education and growing responsible, caring citizens. That’s the Windsor Way, and we believe that can be filtered down from our parent body too.

Next steps

As a new parent, here’s what you can do to support these values:

1. Join the P&C.

By joining the P&C, you are helping to support a strong and robust association. Your membership needs renewal every year. Even if you don’t make it to meetings, your membership still counts. The more P&C members we have, the more power we have to make changes.

2. Come along to P&C meetings

You are always welcome at our monthly P&C meetings if you can make it. Get to know how it all works and where you might fit into the school community. See something which could be improved? Or want to know why we do something a certain way? The best place to ask questions, be involved, and propose and vote for the changes you want to see is at our P&C meetings.

3. Volunteer where you can

We welcome all help. The P&C is run by volunteer parents just like you. Many of us are busy people in our own lives with children, work and social commitments. The more parents who can help, the more the load can be shared amongst us all. Many hands really do make light work. You can see our jobs board for call outs. From helping in the tuckshop, or a working bee, to baking a cake, to volunteering for events. Or if you have a skill that might come in handy, please sing out! If you have the time, you can make a bigger splash by being part of a Committee.

4. Keep informed

Keep the lines of communication open with school and what’s happening. Understand the ways in which the school and P&C might communicate with you and why, and how you can stay in the loop.

5. Put yourself “out there”

If you’re a prep parent, you will probably find that you form a bond with fellow prep parents during the year. If you foster this now, you will be really pleased you did. There’s something special about prep. These lovely friendships can potentially stay with you and your family right through primary school and beyond. If you’re not a prep parent, don’t be afraid to reach out to other parents in your year. Windsor is an inclusive school, and you’re very welcome here! (Pssst volunteering can help with making friends too!)

6. Attend our events

Events are the cornerstone of P&C activities when it comes to whole-community participation. Events raise funds, raise spirits and generally keep our parent body the strong and vibrant group it is today. Don’t be shy, we love to see new faces at our events. A great chance to meet new people and foster some of the new friendships which are unfolding.

Together we are stronger

Have your say, be a part of your children’s education. Become a member of our P&C