Here’s how to be that parent in the know!

Over recent years, the Windsor State School P&C has spent time in conjunction with school administration developing the best communication strategy possible for parents. We have looked to embrace new and paperless technologies which we utilise in our everyday lives. Our goals are to inform you, inspire you and to generally make communication seamless.

Here are the communication channels Windsor State School uses, both within the P&C and school administration. You may be a new parent, or maybe you’re a current parent who’s wondering, “what am I supposed to be taking notice of?” Here’s a breakdown of the channels we use to help you stay in the loop.


P&C website
For overarching information on P&C activities, as well as official policy and procedure we wish to direct our parents to this P&C website. We hope the menu is easy to navigate and that both new and current parents alike can find the information they need quickly. Our website links with our school calendar and provides a place for general information on events, meetings and procedures. It’s where you’ll find all the P&C forms and documents you need as well. Last but certainly not least, it's also the place you can go to find out what volunteer work we might need, via our jobs board.

School website
Are you looking for information on classroom activities, school policy or forms? The Windsor State School website is the go-to place for classroom-led information and education policy. You can also download the QSchools App, for handy school information.

Schoolzine – emails and newsletters

The P&C helped to implement an electronic communication system through the education-department approved Schoolzine. This allows both P&C and school administration to communicate directly to you about current and important information.

To help you stay up to date, you should download the Schoolzine app This gives you everything you need at the touch of a button from your phone. Get the latest school newsletter and archives, email notices in a single feed, contact numbers, calendar dates, access to Munch Monitor and more.

By utilising Schoolzine, the P&C and School communicate with you in 3 ways:

School newsletter
The school newsletter is compiled by school administration and is issued fortnightly. It provides thoughts from our Principal, Deputy Principals, teachers, and news on our children. It also provides news on P&C events and activities. To find newsletter archives, download the Schoolzine app or visit the school website.

Windsor weekly update
Every Sunday, the P&C issue a roundup newsletter via email, letting you know about the important information you might need to know for the week. We try not to bombard you with too many emails. We find this is a great way to communicate what’s on in the week ahead in a predictable way and at a regular time. Taking the time to open this email will ensure you don’t miss anything through the week.

For urgent and or important group emails outside these times, the P&C and school administration will send emails to your inbox via Schoolzine. Your classroom teacher or administration may also send personal emails from time to time as and when required.


Parent Representatives
At the beginning of each year, a P&C member is nominated to be “parent rep” for the year. The parent rep is a spokesperson who helps communicate P&C activities and acts as a conduit between parents and teacher. Your parent rep can help to explain what’s happening in “parent speak” and in a way which relates specifically to your class or grade. They might organise class catchups, put rosters together for events, pass on news from your teacher and just generally be that go-to person so that you’re not feeling lost in the crowd.

School administration
The wonderful staff in the office are always on hand to answer questions and generally help you navigate school life as a parent or student. If you have a question related to your child, then you can always give the office a call on 07 3866 4333 between the hours of 7:30am and 3:30 pm. For absences, there is a specific absentee line 07 3866 4360.

P&C Meetings
Another way we communicate with our parent body is via our monthly P&C meetings. These are usually held on the third Monday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Flexible Learning Space (next to the Library). Our meetings are a formal way to understand the goals and strategies of the P&C. All are welcome to attend.


Want fun news on what’s happening (or will happen) at Windsor State School? Facebook helps communicate all the special moments at Windsor.

WSS Facebook page
From time to time, you might see some great photos of our children enjoying their school life on the Windsor State School Facebook page. From sport’s days to camps and musical performances, school administration can communicate all those fun activities in an appropriate way, adhering to the education department guidelines. Follow the school page @windsorss

P&C Facebook page
While the school page is focused on sharing internally, our Windsor SS P&C Facebook page also looks outward to promotion. Apart from sharing the fun of our P&C events and activities our Facebook page allows the P&C to reach out to the broader community. We acknowledge our generous sponsors. We encourage you to follow our P&C page and click “see posts from this page first” in your settings. As much as possible, please like, comment, and share our posts to help build our following and reach. Follow us @windsorsspandc

Are you new to Windsor State School?

We get it, school life can be a little confusing and overwhelming at times. Get all the information you need to navigate your school days as parents and help your child too.