We are stronger together
Become a member of the Windsor State School P&C
One of the most important ways you can support your child’s education here at Windsor State School is through P&C Membership. Membership is open to all parents, staff and community members who have an interest in fostering a positive outcome for children at Windsor State School.By becoming a P&C member, you bring more power to the people! We have a robust P&C, which is as strong as our member population. You don’t have to attend meetings for your membership to count. Every single member is helping to support the initiatives of the Executive Committee.
Once you’re a member, you can help on one of the many subcommittees or working groups run by the P&C. This allows you to effect change and growth within the school environment.
How can I join?
Joining is easy. Simply fill in the application form, and submit this to your P&C. You can submit your application for membership in two ways:
1. Prior to the Annual General Meeting.
This is the only chance for the year to become a member without attending a P&C meeting. All applications submitted prior to the AGM are approved at this first meeting of the year.
2. After the Annual General Meeting.
Simply submit your application form by attending one of our subsequent meetings throughout the year. Please note, you are not able to vote on matters until after your membership has been approved.
The P&C Code of Conduct
The P&C strives to work as a well-ordered group that promotes interest and facilitates efforts and resources to further improve Windsor State School. A harmonious working environment is essential to the achievement of our goals and to high levels of volunteer contribution and volunteer satisfaction.As members of Windsor State School P&C we agree:
- To comply with the Education Qld Code of Conduct.
- That conduct should always be with consideration of the school rules of Respect for Self, Respect for Others and Respect for the School as outlined in the Strategic Plan 2020.
- To treat all people with dignity, courtesy, honesty, and fairness.
- That constructive criticism is healthy but personal attacks are destructive and to be avoided.
- That discrimination on racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious grounds is not acceptable.
These are the standards expected of all volunteers including Parents and Citizens’ Association members, committee members and parent representatives.