Your vote counts

The P&C holds monthly meetings chaired by the P&C Executive Committee. All are welcome to attend these meetings to contribute their ideas and opinions on the future of our school.

While anyone may attend P&C meetings, it is important to note that only P&C Members may vote on decisions. So, if there are changes you would like to see within the school community, this is where you can make a difference. Become a member and have your say!

When do you hold meetings?

Meetings are usually held on the third Monday of each month at 7:30pm in the STEM Room. They conclude at 8:30/9:00pm
To find out when the next meeting is, check the School & P&C events calendar. In addition, we issue a reminder to the school community via email which includes the upcoming meeting agenda.

Format for P&C Meetings

The Executive Committee has an obligation to full disclosure, transparency and fairness. Therefore, meetings follow a formal format, with our Secretary recording minutes. The Executive Committee, School Principal, Chair of the School Council, members of the P&C and wider school community are in attendance. The meeting usually follows this format:

  1. Welcome and formal apologies.
  2. Confirmation of the previous meeting’s minutes.
  3. Discussion of business arising from the previous meeting.
  4. Confirmation of decisions made by the P&C Executive since the previous meeting.
  5. Acceptance of applications or renewals of P&C membership.
  6. Matters for discussion.
  7. P&C President, P&C Treasurer, Principal and School Council updates.
  8. Subcommittee and working group updates.

Prior to closing, we open to any other business. If you have a matter for discussion which you didn’t hear raised during the meeting, you may raise it at this point.

Interested to find out more about our meetings? You can always access the P&C meeting minutes in our documents and resources area.


A robust P&C with good numbers means decisions get made. Even if you can’t attend meetings, your membership makes a difference. Find out how to become a member of the Windsor State School P&C.